Certification and policy documents
Certification and policy documents for Clearwater DC Limited including insurance, HR, data, insurance and more which are essential to the legitimate and safe management of waste and processing.
Insurance documents
We have insurance cover for Employers’ Liability, Public and Products Liability.
CHAS Certificate Elite
Clearwater has been awarded certification after demonstrating compliance with the CHAS standards in line with the requirement of SSIP Core Criteria and UK H&S Legislation.
Armed Forces Covenant
Clearwater commits to upholding the Armed Forces Covenant and supporting the Armed Forces Community, recognising the contribution that Service personnel, both regular and reservist, veterans and military families make to our organisation, our community and our country.
Water Jetting Association
Clearwater has adopted the Professional Conduct Charter and works solely within the scope of the WJA Code of Practice.
Clearwater has been audited and found to meet the requirements of standard ISO 45001:2018 Environmental Management System and is proud to be a member of bmtrada to supply plant hire, waste treatment and disposal services.
Clearwater has been audited and found to meet the requirements of standard ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and is proud to be a member of bmtrada to supply plant hire, waste treatment and disposal services.
Clearwater has been audited and found to meet the requirements of standard ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and is proud to be a member of bmtrada to supply plant hire, waste treatment and disposal services.
Policy documents
BP0001 Anti-Slavery Policy
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
BP0002 Anti-corruption and bribery policy
It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships
BP0003 Data Protection Policy
We recognise that the correct and lawful treatment of Personal Data will maintain confidence in the organisation and will provide for successful business operations. Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of Personal Data is a critical responsibility that we take seriously at all times.
BP0004 Disciplinary and capability
This procedure is intended to help maintain standards of conduct and performance and to ensure fairness and consistency when dealing with allegations of misconduct or poor performance.
BP0007 Equal opportunities policy
We are committed to promoting equal opportunities in employment. You and any job applicants will receive equal treatment regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
BP0008 Grievance procedure
Most grievances can be resolved quickly and informally through discussion with your line manager. If this does not resolve the problem you should initiate the formal procedure set out in this policy.
BP0009 Health and safety policy
This policy sets out our arrangements for ensuring we meet our health and safety obligations to staff and anyone visiting our premises or affected by our work.
BP0010 Privacy notice for employees
Clearwater DC 2001 Limited is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you during and after your working relationship with us, in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).
BP0012 Substance misuse policy
We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment. This includes ensuring that all staff are fit to carry out their jobs safely and effectively in an environment which is free from alcohol and drug misuse.
BP0013 Communications Policy
Consultation between employers and personnel is an essential part of managing Health and safety in the workplace. Consultation should be viewed not just as a legal requirement, but also as a valuable means of improving the employer’s decision making in regard to OHS issues.
BP0014 Customer Care Policy
Clearwater DC 2001 Ltd is committed to customer focus, we realise that our customer, existing and potential ensure the longevity and success of the business. We will communicate, listen to and share best practice with our customers for mutual benefit, we also realise that our customer relationships have to be managed.
BP0015 Energy Policy
Clearwater DC 2001 Ltd recognises that its activities use energy in many different activities and from a number of sources, use of energy impacts the environment at Local, National and Global levels by way of Green House Gases together with indirect consequences of energy generation.
BP0016 Environmental Policy
Clearwater DC 2001 Ltd, we recognise that our activities, products and services can cause impacts on the environment. We are committed to protecting the environment and will continually strive to minimise the impact of our operations by complying with our legal and other regulatory obligations, to improve our environmental performance and achieve our stated objectives.
BP0017 Leadership Policy
The objective of this Policy statement is to demonstrate Clearwater’s Top Management commitment to the success and continual improvement of our Business Management system. It is the Policy that links all other Clearwater DC 2001 Ltd Policies within our operation.
BP0018 Recycling Policy
In line with our environmental policy Clearwater is committed to sustainable waste management through reducing our consumption of materials, encouraging re-use where possible and promoting recycling and the use of recycled materials.
BP0019 Refusal to work on grounds of H&S Policy
At Clearwater D C 2001 Ltd we recognise our duties under current health and safety legislation and we will endeavour to meet the requirements of this legislation and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
BP0020 Corporate Social Responsibility
Clearwater DC 2001 Ltd realises its responsibilities to its employees, the environment and the community. We have taken into considerations the opinions of both our work force and other interested parties in the formulation of this policy. Our Sustainability policy is closely interactive with this statement.
BP0021 Quality Policy
Clearwater DC 2001 Ltd is committed to standards of service throughout the business that are intended to exceed our customer expectations. We operate our management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, best practice principles, Leadership and with consideration of all of our customer needs.